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Journal Club
Heat boost: therapeutic approach for skeletal muscle health and postprandial mechanisms in older adults
- Version of Record online: 13 January 2025
Critical molecular outcomes of time-restricted feeding during ageing: a look beyond body composition
- Version of Record online: 12 January 2025
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
Antenatal betamethasone augments lung perfusion but lowers upper body blood flow and O2 delivery with delayed cord clamping at birth in preterm lambs
- Version of Record online: 12 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Blood flow is normally shunted from the right side to the left side of the fetal circulation via two essential vascular channels, the foramen ovale (FO) and ductus arteriosus (Duct). In the absence of antenatal steroid therapy with betamethasone (BM), blood flow across these channels is reversed after delayed cord clamping (DCC) preceded by a short period of initial ventilation in the preterm birth transition. These blood flow reversals increase lung blood flow after birth, but decrease blood flow to vital systemic organs such as the brain and kidneys. After antenatal BM treatment, however, an earlier flow reversal occurs across the FO during initial ventilation, and is followed by a greater flow reversal across the ductus after DCC. These enhanced flow reversals augment increases in lung blood flow during the birth transition, but are associated with a more pronounced redistribution of left ventricular output away from the upper body region that further reduces perfusion of upper body organs, while maintaining lower body perfusion. Abbreviations: Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; PA pulmonary artery; PV, pulmonary veins; RA, right atrium; RV right ventricle; VC, vena cavae. Created in
Previous short-term disuse dictates muscle gene expression and physiological adaptations to subsequent resistance exercise
- Version of Record online: 10 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Eleven young healthy males underwent 10 days of unilateral lower limb suspension (ULLS) followed by a 21 day period of active recovery (AR) using resistance exercise performed three times a week at 70% of the one repetition maximum (1RM), equating to a total of nine training sessions. At baseline, immediately after ULLS, and 3 days after the last training session of the AR period, we assessed maximal isometric muscle force production by dynamometry, and we estimated muscle volume through panoramic ultrasound techniques. Vastus lateralis biopsies were collected at the same time points. After 10 days of ULLS, we observed decreased muscle force and volume, accompanied by reductions in proteins related to mitochondrial fusion and downregulation of the expressions of gene pathways related to oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis. After only nine sessions of resistance exercise, muscle force was restored and muscle volume was markedly increased (even exceeding baseline values); however, most of the molecular and gene expression findings pointed towards a marked regulation of oxidative phenotype and metabolism in contrast with what is usually observed in response to resistance exercise.
Research Article
Human cortical high-gamma power scales with movement rate in healthy participants and stroke survivors
- Version of Record online: 09 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Magnetoencephalography data from stroke survivors, healthy, age-matched control participants and healthy young participants were measured during the execution of a thumb movement task. Movement-related high-gamma power was evident in all three groups with a maximum over motor cortical areas contralateral to the performed movement. High gamma power showed a strong positive relation to participants’ movement rate (left), whereas no significant relation to motor skill acquisition was present (right). Stroke survivors showed reduced cortical high-gamma power mainly as a result of their reduced movement rate (middle).
Sex-specific differences in mortality and neurocardiac interactions in the Kv1.1 knockout mouse model of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP)
- Version of Record online: 08 January 2025
Abstract figure legend The Kcna1 knockout mouse model of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) exhibits sex-specific differences in SUDEP risk. Female mice exhibit a lower SUDEP risk than males, despite similar seizure characteristics and interictal cardiac function across sexes. During seizures, females display a higher incidence of bradycardia and demonstrate resistance to inducible ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Organomics analysis indicates that females have more effective resetting of brain–heart interactions in the postictal period, suggesting a protective mechanism that may contribute to their reduced SUDEP susceptibility. During a SUDEP event captured for one male and one female, the terminal neurocardiac events were similar between the sexes. These findings highlight the importance of sex-specific factors in SUDEP risk and brain–heart communication.
Research Article
Pharmacological reduction of lipid hydroperoxides as a potential modulator of sarcopenia
- Version of Record online: 08 January 2025
Abstract figure legend CMD-35647 treatment reduces muscle lipid hydroperoxides and mitigates sarcopenia in aged mice. By 26 months of age, muscle mass, muscle force generation and mitochondrial respiration are reduced in vehicle-treated mice relative to middle aged control mice (18 months of age). Treatment with CMD-35647 lowers muscle atrophy, muscle dysfunction, and reduces mitochondrial respiration in aged mice. LOOH, lipid hydroperoxides.
Stop and sniff the roses: Insights into the voluntary control of respiration
- Version of Record online: 08 January 2025
Molecular and cellular
Metabolic stimulation improves bioenergetics and haematologic indices of circulating erythrocytes from sickle cell mice
- Version of Record online: 07 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Metabolic stimulation improves bioenergetics, redox state, hydration and hematologic indices of circulating erythrocytes from sickle cell mice. Retained mitochondria in circulating RBCs from sickle mice are a source of RBC ATP as mitochondria function (ETC, electron transport chain) inhibitors [rotenone, a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor; 3-nitropropionic acid, a complex II inhibitor; carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone, a H+ ionophore, which dissipates H+ gradient; and oligomycin A, a mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitor] decrease RBC ATP levels. Conversely, metabolic stimulation of isolated RBCs with metabolites/substrates of glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) including adenosine 5′-diphosphate potassium salt hydrate (ADP), l-glutamic acid monosodium salt (glutamate), l-(−)-malic acid sodium salt (malate), sodium pyruvate (pyruvate), sodium succinate dibasic hexahydrate (succinate) and all metabolites combined (all) improves RBC redox state by decreasing ROS levels, favourably controls baseline calcium and its accumulation (possibly via ATP production and PMCA stimulation), increases RBC volume and hydration and decreases intra-RBC haemoglobin concentration. Created with
Topical Review
Evolution of rod bipolar cells and rod vision
- Version of Record online: 07 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Proposed schematic of the ancestral (left) and mammalian (right) rod signalling pathways with signal flow indicated by green (ON) and red (OFF) arrows. In the ancestral pathway, rods connect to rod ON and rod OFF bipolar cells (orange), which in turn make connections to ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells. In the mammalian retina, rods synapse only onto rod ON bipolar cells, which in turn make synaptic connections with AII amacrine cells (yellow). The AII amacrine cells then synapse onto cone ON bipoand cone OFF, which carry the rod signals to ganglion cells.
Journal Club
Decoding platelet loss in the hypoxic brain: What could go wrong?
- Version of Record online: 07 January 2025
Enhancing muscle and brain resilience: The role of prehabilitative exercise in mitigating disuse effects
- Version of Record online: 06 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Prehabilitative exercise is the process of preparing, through structured exercise, for anticipated disuse (e.g. bed rest or limb immobilization). Despite positive findings in clinical studies, the underlying physiological mechanisms of prehabilitation remain poorly understood. This review discusses three key potential avenues: (1) Prehabilitative exercise may increase the capacity of certain parameters, such as muscle strength, so that losses as a result of disuse less probably force an individual below a critical threshold of function. (2) Muscle memory refers to the retention of adaptations to past stimuli, which can protect the muscle or brain when re-exposed to similar stressors. The location of this ‘memory’ remains uncertain, but it may involve myonuclear permanence and/or epigenetic modifications in muscle, or changes in neural pathways. (3) Structural reinforcement involves exercise-induced adaptations that strengthen tissues without necessarily increasing their measurable size or function, such as the enhancement of neuromuscular junction integrity and optimization of vascular beds.
Stroke severity shapes extracellular vesicle profiles and their impact on the cerebral endothelial cells
- Version of Record online: 06 January 2025
Abstract figure legend The study assessed plasma-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) from control patients and those with first-ever ischaemic stroke, divided into mild and severe groups. Stroke patients had lower EV concentrations than controls, with mild-stroke patients showing fewer and smaller EVs. Stroke-derived EVs exhibited elevated levels of proinflammatory markers (IL-6, interleukin 6; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α), oxidative stress markers (NTR, nitrotyrosine), and angiogenic factors (VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor) but lower levels of placental growth factor (PlGF) than controls. Some differences were observed between mild- and severe-stroke-derived EVs. Thus severe-stroke EVs have a higher level of VEGF, whereas mild-stroke EVs have higher levels of IL-6. Therefore severe-stroke EVs enhanced angiogenesis more significantly than those from mild-stroke or control groups. In an in vitro blood–brain barrier (BBB) model, EVs from severe-stroke patients caused less disruption and increased the expression of claudin-5 (CLDN5) protein, suggesting that these EVs may support BBB integrity while promoting angiogenesis.
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
Enhanced myocardial perfusion in late gestation fetal lambs with impaired left ventricular inflow
- Version of Record online: 04 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Fetal lambs were instrumented with deflated left atrial balloons at ∼120 days gestational age. Top left: following recovery, balloons remained deflated in Sham fetuses and were gradually inflated in impaired left ventricular inflow (ILVI) fetuses over the course of this 8 day study. Top right: net-antegrade flow through the ascending aorta was eliminated by balloon inflation in ILVI fetuses. Bottom left: morphometric assessment at the study end-point showed a significant reduction in left ventricular free wall mass, but no significant change in right ventricular free wall mass. Bottom right: coronary microvascular perfusion was assessed by myocardial contrast echocardiography at the study end-point; ILVI fetuses had 3-fold greater left ventricular perfusion and 5.6-fold greater right ventricular perfusion than Shams.
Incongruent virtual reality cycling exercise demonstrates a role of perceived effort in cardiovascular control
- Version of Record online: 04 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Participants cycled through virtual reality environments comprising a flat road and differently graded inclines (3%, 6%, 9%). During one visit the pedalling resistance was identical despite the different virtual hill gradients. Steeper virtual hills transiently augmented perceptions of exertion and cardiovascular responses, although the opposite was not found with less-steep hills.
Journal Club
Metabolite mysteries: Decoding age-related muscle fatigue mechanisms at the myofibrillar level
- Version of Record online: 03 January 2025
Dysregulation of neural tube vascular development as an aetiological factor in autism spectrum disorder: Insights from valproic acid exposure
- Version of Record online: 02 January 2025
Abstract figure legend Relationship between neural tube vascularization and behavioural outcomes. This figure illustrates the proposed link between neural tube vascularization and behavioural development. The neural tube is divided by a central arrow, showing two pathways: typical vascularization on the left and altered vascularization on the right. On the left, typical vascularization is shown to result in typical behavioural outcomes, highlighting the importance of normal vascular development. On the right, reduced vascularization is associated with autistic traits, suggesting that compromising vascularization during neural tube development may contribute to atypical behavioural outcomes. Created in BioRender. Manzo, J. (2024)
Getting excited about leaks: the atypical Na+ channel NALCN is a key determinant of native mouse anterior pituitary endocrine cell physiology
- Version of Record online: 02 January 2025
Letter to the Editor
Functional effect of physical exercise on calcium metabolism
- Version of Record online: 02 January 2025
Journal Club
Timing is everything: complex (a)synchrony of heart–muscle interactions during exercise
- Version of Record online: 01 January 2025
An α7 nicotinic and GABAB receptor-mediated pathway controls acetylcholine release in the tripartite neuromuscular junction
- Version of Record online: 30 December 2024
Abstract figure legend ACh released from the NMJ can activate α7 nAChRs on terminal Schwann cells, releasing GABA that activates GABAB receptors on the nerve terminal which then reduces further ACh release from the nerve. At the mature NMJ, before reaching α7 nAChRs on terminal Schwann cells ACh is normally hydrolyzed by both AChE clustered in the synaptic cleft and by BChE anchored to the TSC. ACh can activate the α7/GABAB receptor-mediated pathway and depress the further release of ACh when AChE at the NMJ is low either during development or in congenital myasthenic syndrome, in the latter case observed as a component of fatigue.
The mechanisms of electrical neuromodulation
- Version of Record online: 30 December 2024
Abstract figure legend This Topical Review offers a comprehensive examination of how electrical stimulation affects neural function across various levels. At the cellular level, we investigate the influence of exogenous electricity on voltage-gated channels, action potential generation, synaptic transmission, membrane properties, and neurotransmitter release. (1) Exogenous electricity can have direct effects on neural cells by either depolarizing them beyond the action potential threshold (supra-threshold) or by shifting the resting membrane potential closer to this threshold, thereby increasing the cells' susceptibility to intrinsic inputs (sub-threshold; 2). (3) We also discuss the impact of exogenous electricity on electrical synapses and explore non-physiological effects on neurotransmitter release probability, including presynaptic saturation. (4) At the circuit level, this review explores how exogenous electricity can selectively activate clusters of cells by targeting specific axon bundles within the central nervous system. (5) It also addresses how non-physiological stimulation, such as high-frequency stimulation, can silence axons and specific groups of cells. (6) Further, we explore the effects of exogenous electricity on cell type and size diversity, layer-specific variations, and cell-to-cell interactions – including neural precursor cell migration (not shown in this figure). (7) At the circuit and systems levels, the review discusses how electrical stimulation can activate pathways and cells or change brain rhythms. (8) For this, we highlight advances facilitated by genetic techniques such as chemogenetics and optogenetics, and their contributions to the field of neuromodulation.
Chloride reported missing from brain and extracellular matrix is a suspect
- Version of Record online: 26 December 2024
Influence of pericardium on ventricular mechanical interdependence in an isolated biventricular working pig heart model
- Version of Record online: 26 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Schematic representation of the experimental workflow and main results of left and right ventricular outflows obtained before and after ablation of the pericardium, on isolated pig hearts perfused in biventricular working mode. Left and right ventricular haemodynamics were assessed in response to changes in left and right atrial or arterial pressures. Pericardium removal induced alterations in the preload-dependent ventricular interaction, as well as right ventricle haemodynamics.
Heartificial intelligence: smart solutions for CHF: An A(I)MT approach
- Version of Record online: 26 December 2024
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
Excessive hypercholesterolaemia during pregnancy as a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclampsia
- Version of Record online: 26 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Excessive hypercholesterolaemia during pregnancy impairs maternal endothelial function, which, in turn, drives the development of pre-eclampsia and may also contribute to the increased risk of later-life cardiovascular disease in women. Mechanistically, excessively high cholesterol levels during pregnancy increase the release of circulating factors, such as oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and placental factors. These factors, then, activate membrane-bound receptors, particularly the scavenger receptor lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor 1 (LOX-1) and the innate immune receptor toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), which are known mediators of endothelial dysfunction. Created with
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
Divergent selection for basal metabolic rate in mice affects the abundance of UCP1 protein: implications for translational studies
- Version of Record online: 26 December 2024
Abstract figure legend We studied two lines of laboratory mice divergently selected for high or low level of basal metabolic rate (BMR). We found that BMR was negatively correlated not only with fat mass but also with the magnitude of non-shivering thermogenesis and the total uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) level in interscapular brown adipose tissue. Both effects were significant even after acclimation to thermoneutrality. Because variation in BMR may affect both fat content and non-shivering thermogenesis (i.e. potential anti-obesity factor), it should always be taken into account in studies investigating the potential links between thermogenesis and obesity.
Changes in the cortical GABAergic inhibitory system with ageing and ageing-related neurodegenerative diseases
- Version of Record online: 25 December 2024
Abstract figure legend With ageing and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, the amount of GABA and GABAergic inhibition as well as the modulation (indicated by sine wave) of GABAergic inhibition is reduced, whereas excitation is increased. In many parts of the brain, this leads to a mismatch of facilitatory (green neurons) and inhibitory (red neurons) neurotransmitters usually indicated by a weakening of inhibition, as illustrated by excitation (E) weighing heavier than inhibition (I). On the behavioural level, this is not only apparent by impaired motor control (yellow arrow), but also associated with cognitive decline and reduced well-being such as impaired sleep behaviour and pain perception. On the other side indicated by the blue arrow, balance learning was shown to act as a countermeasure to enhance the levels of GABA, increase GABA-mediated intracortical inhibition and improve task-specific modulation of inhibition leading not only to better motor control, but also more general improvements in well-being.
Computational physiology and modelling
Computational modelling of cardiac control following myocardial infarction using an in silico patient cohort
- Version of Record online: 25 December 2024
Abstract figure legend The baroreflex adapts to compensate for the decrease in cardiac function after myocardial infarction. We used in silico patient cohorts representing afferent and efferent loci of neural adaptation to explore neural remodelling that allowed individuals to maintain higher baroreflex sensitivity after cardiac injury. The model suggests that adaptation along the vagal efferent pathway can help maintain higher baroreflex sensitivity after cardiac injury. Created with
Medial hypothalamic MC3R signalling regulates energy rheostasis in adult mice
- Version of Record online: 24 December 2024
Electrical stimulation of injured nerves promotes recovery in animals and humans
- Version of Record online: 22 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Poor functional recovery after surgical repair is frequently disappointing. In an experimental rat model, we found that by isolating the effects of prolonged motoneurone isolation from targets (prolonged axotomy), reduced regenerative capacity and prolonged isograft denervation, and muscle denervation each reduced regeneration and muscle reinnervation. By electrically stimulating the proximal stump of a repaired nerve in rats and human patients after carpal tunnel release surgery, to evoke action potential propagation to the neuronal cell bodies (20 Hz for 1 h immediately after repair), the outgrowth of axons across the surgical site was accelerated, promoting earlier reinnervation of target muscles. The acceleration occurred both after immediate and delayed nerve repair.
Non-ionotropic NMDAR signalling activates Panx1 to induce P2X4R-dependent long-term depression in the hippocampus
- Version of Record online: 22 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Stimulation of the Shaffer collateral pathway at 3 Hz activates non-ionotropic NMDA receptors. This subsequently leads to Src kinase mediated phosphorylation of pannexin-1 (Panx1), which releases ATP from the postsynaptic cell. ATP acts as a ligand for P2X4 receptors to induce long-term depression (LTD).
Molecular and cellular
Recent advances in the structure, function and regulation of the volume-regulated anion channels and their role in immunity
- Version of Record online: 22 December 2024
Abstract figure legend The volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC), composed of leucine-rich repeat-containing 8 (LRRC8) proteins, serves both canonical and non-canonical functions in vertebrate cells. The canonical function of this channel relates to its original description, which is homeostatic regulation of cell volume in response to hypotonic challenges. In this context, LRRC8-containing VRACs facilitate the regulatory volume decrease process by releasing Cl− and organic osmolytes. However, most mammalian cells, including immune cells, are not typically exposed to the extreme and prolonged hypotonic conditions that activate VRACs. Emerging evidence suggests that intracellular signalling mechanisms – such as phosphorylation, oxidation and others – may also contribute to the activation of LRRC8-containing VRACs, allowing for the influx of extracellular molecules. Many of these molecules play significant immunomodulatory roles in immune cells. These observations have positioned LRRC8-containing VRACs in the spotlight as a promising target for future immunotherapeutic approaches.
CSF1-R inhibition attenuates posttraumatic osteoarthritis and quadriceps atrophy following ligament injury
- Version of Record online: 22 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Knee post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) is a common consequence of prior joint injury, and mounting evidence suggests a key role for inflammation in its development and associated functional deficits. Prior work from our group demonstrated colony stimulating factor one receptor (CSF1-R) is positively associated with knee trauma severity, which prompted the current study in which we sought to determine if inhibition of CSF1-R would attenuate articular cartilage degradation and muscle atrophy and weakness following direct joint injury in a murine model of PTOA. Transcriptomic and histomorphological analyses across multiple tissues revealed that targeted CSF1-R inhibition mitigated the severity of PTOA and associated muscle atrophy after joint injury, offering evidence for CSF1-R as a therapeutic target to support post-injury recovery.
Regulation of presynaptic homeostatic plasticity by glial signalling in Alzheimer's disease
- Version of Record online: 20 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Homeostatic plasticity is critical for the stabilization of synaptic function in the face of disturbances. At the wild-type Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ), inhibition of postsynaptic glutamate receptor activity (reduction in miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential) triggers a compensatory increase in presynaptic neurotransmitter release (increase in quantal content), which allows the maintenance of baseline level excitation in the postsynaptic cell (stabilized excitatory postsynaptic potential). This process is known as presynaptic homeostatic potentiation (PHP, upper right panel). Histone acetylation (H3K9ac)-mediated epigenetic signalling in glia is critical for PHP. Neuronal overexpression of human Aβ (hAβ42 OE) results in decreased histone acetylation in glia, leading to a disruption of the glial epigenome-dependent downstream signalling and impairment in PHP (lower right panel). Glial sphingosine kinase 2 (Sk2) can activate either endogenous sphingosine or exogenous FTY720 (fingolimod, an analogue of sphingosine), which act as histone deacetylase inhibitors, thereby restoring histone acetylation and homeostatic plasticity in Drosophila models of Alzheimer's disease (upper right panel). These findings indicate that glial epigenome-mediated activities, such as the synthesis and secretion of signalling factors, are crucial for glia–neuron interactions, thus facilitating PHP and synapse stabilization.
Corticolimbic structures activation during preparation and execution of respiratory manoeuvres in voluntary olfactory sampling: An intracranial EEG study
- Version of Record online: 20 December 2024
Abstract figure legend To investigate volitional breathing control, intracranial electroencephalograms (iEEG) and respiratory signals were recorded in six pharmaco-resistant epilepsy patients during breath-holding and sniffing manoeuvres. In both manoeuvres, and across both the preparatory and execution phases, a shared network comprising the amygdala, posterior insula, and the superior, middle and inferior temporal gyri was activated, exhibiting theta and alpha activity. During apnoea, theta activity initially decreased before progressively increasing, eventually returning to baseline levels at the conclusion of the apnoea in the amygdala and hippocampus.
Role of forelimb morphology in muscle sensorimotor functions during locomotion in the cat
- Version of Record online: 20 December 2024
Autonomic modulation with mindfulness-based stress reduction in chronic kidney disease: a randomized controlled trial
- Version of Record online: 18 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages III–IV were randomized to the 8 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR, n = 17) programme or Health Enhancement Program (HEP; a structurally parallel, active control group, n = 12). Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) via microneurography was assessed during 3 min of mental arithmetic stress at baseline and post-intervention. A reduction of ∆MSNA reactivity to mental stress was observed following 8 weeks of MBSR but not after HEP. This study's results suggest the feasibility and clinical benefits of MSBR on autonomic function in CKD.
Differential effects of Phosphodiesterase 4A5 on cAMP-dependent forms of long-term potentiation
- Version of Record online: 18 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Overexpression of individual PDE4A isoforms in the dorsal hippocampus results in disparate effects on cAMP-dependent forms of long-lasting plasticity. PDE4A5, but not PDE4A1, overexpression impairs expression of long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by theta burst stimulation (TBS-LTP), while neither affects LTP induced by spaced tetanic stimulation. The N-terminus of PDE4A5 is necessary for TBS-LTP deficit because expression of PDE4A5Δ4, the N-terminus-truncated form of PDE4A5, does not impair TBS-LTP. Overexpression of PDE4A5 in area CA1 is sufficient to recapitulate the effects of whole hippocampal overexpression of PDE4A5 on TBS-LTP.
Computational physiology and modelling
Enhancing stroke risk stratification in atrial fibrillation through non-Newtonian blood modelling and Gaussian process emulation
- Version of Record online: 17 December 2024
Grip force control under sudden change of friction
- Version of Record online: 14 December 2024
Abstract figure legend This study explores how humans adapt their grip force to sudden changes in friction and/or load during object manipulation. Using a novel friction-modulating device integrated into an object suspended by a pulley system, we measured participants’ grip force across three phases: lifting, holding, and reacting to perturbations. The results reveal how the sensorimotor system finely tunes grip force in response to grip safety requirements presented on the table on the right.
Translational Perspective
Combined inhibition of atrial-specific potassium currents as a possible anti-arrhythmic drug therapy: A match made in silico
- Version of Record online: 13 December 2024
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
Maternal investment, body condition and calf growth in humpback whales
- Version of Record online: 12 December 2024
Abstract figure legend This study used drone-based photogrammetry to quantify the body size and condition (BC) of humpback whales on their Hawaiʻi (HI) breeding and Southeast Alaska (SEAK) feeding grounds. A total of 2410 measurements were taken from 1659 individuals, with 405 repeat measurements from 137 lactating females used to track changes in maternal body volume (BV). HI mothers lost an average of 0.106 m3 (96.84 kg day−1) while fasting, equivalent to 2641 MJ day−1 or 830 kg of krill and 424 kg of Pacific herring daily. SEAK females gained 0.015 m3 (14.54 kg day−1; 367 MJ day−1). We then quantified differences in female BC on the SEAK feeding ground, with pregnant female BC increasing at the fastest rate, followed by unclassified and lactating females. Calf length growth rates were highest in HI, while BV growth remained constant throughout the year. Maternal investment in calf growth was correlated with female length and BC, with larger females producing bigger, faster-growing calves.
Energetic cost of gestation and prenatal growth in humpback whales
- Version of Record online: 11 December 2024
Abstract figure legend This study estimated the energetic cost of gestation in humpback whales. First, relative birth size was estimated from body length measurements of mother–fetus pairs from historical whaling records, and mother–calf pairs were measured in situ using aerial photogrammetry. Relative birth length (33.75% of maternal length) was used to back-calculate fetal age and to model fetal growth (FG). FG rates and absolute birth size increased with maternal length, characterized by slow early development, increasing exponentially before birth. The energetic cost of FG was estimated by combining fetal mass estimates with tissue-specific energy content from a post-mortem newborn humpback whale. Placental tissue (PT) development costs were derived from the energy content of humpback whale placental tissue, and gestational heat (GH) was calculated using published equations. The total cost of gestation combines FG, placental tissue development and GH.
An endogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand induces preeclampsia-like phenotypes in rats
- Version of Record online: 09 December 2024
Abstract figure legend An endogenous AhR ligand (ITE) elevates maternal blood pressure and proteinuria in pregnant rats, and decreases uteroplacental blood flow and fetal and placental growth, all of which are hallmarks of preeclampsia. ITE also reduces vascular density, alters immune cell distribution and fetal sex-specifically disturbs transcriptomes in rat placentas. These ITE-dysregulated genes are highly relevant to diseases of heart, vascular functions and inflammatory responses.
Letter to the Editor
A comprehensive analysis of ratio-based metrics in physiology
- Version of Record online: 09 December 2024
Exercise intolerance in pulmonary hypertension: robbing Peter to pay Paul
- Version of Record online: 09 December 2024
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
Single-cell transcriptomics of human organoid-derived enteroendocrine cell populations from the small intestine
- Version of Record online: 05 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Human intestinal organoids were genetically modified to express a fluorescent protein in enteroendocrine cells (EECs), which were then separated by flow cytometry and analysed by single-cell RNA sequencing. High numbers of human EECs were thereby available for cluster analysis and differential gene expression, revealing transcriptomic differences between EEC populations.
Menstrual cycle phase does not influence muscle protein synthesis or whole-body myofibrillar proteolysis in response to resistance exercise
- Version of Record online: 04 December 2024
Abstract figure legend In this study, we used best-practice methodology to establish menstrual cycle phases of women. We used stable isotope methodologies to assess muscle protein synthesis (MPS) in the mid-follicular and mid-luteal phases of their menstrual cycles. One leg performed two bouts of resistance exercise with the contralateral rested leg acting as a control; this was reversed in the opposite menstrual cycle phase. We also assessed whole-body protein myofibrillar protein breakdown (MPB). We saw, as expected, that resistance exercise stimulated MPS but that there was no effect of menstrual cycle phase on the MPS or MPB responses. There appears to be no anabolic ‘advantage’ to performing resistance exercise in any particular phase of a woman's menstrual cycle.
Kv4 channels improve the temporal processing of auditory neurons in the cochlear nucleus
- Version of Record online: 04 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Kv4 channel improves temporal precision of auditory nerve-evoked spikes in cochlear nucleus bushy neurons. Bushy neurons are specialized cells in processing information about temporal fine structure of sound critical for auditory tasks. They express Kv4 channels that help sharpen the action potential width and improve auditory nerve-evoked spike timing. Blocking Kv4 channels with JZ-X leads to broader spike waveform and higher spike jitter in bushy neurons, which are expected to negatively impact the temporal processing in central auditory circuits.
Feature selectivity and invariance in marsupial primary visual cortex
- Version of Record online: 03 December 2024
Abstract figure legend The primary visual cortex (V1) in mammals is essential for processing complex visual stimuli, with neurons exhibiting selectivity for edge orientation and position. Extracellular recordings and non-linear input model analysis were used to recover spatial receptive fields and to compare visual processing mechanisms in marsupials with those in eutherian mammals.
Skeletal and respiratory muscle blood flow redistribution during submaximal exercise in pulmonary hypertensive rats
- Version of Record online: 03 December 2024
Displacement of extracellular chloride by immobile anionic constituents of the brain's extracellular matrix
- Version of Record online: 02 December 2024
Abstract figure legend The perineuronal space contains high concentrations of immobile glycoproteins and glycolipids bearing sialic acid (such as glycosides) and sulfate groups (such as sulfatides and glycosaminoglycans) that together account for more than 50 mEq L−1 anionic charge. Left: ion concentrations in the perineuronal space are typically treated as equivalent to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) values, requiring that the component ion concentrations of CSF are unaltered in the extracellular space. Right: however, the large pool of membrane-associated immobile anionic species that account for almost half the total extracellular anionic charge results in Donnan exclusion, redistributing the mobile anionic charge to maintain a constant total charge (immobile plus mobile charges) in accordance with Gauss’ Law of electroneutrality. Note that the same number of positive charges are present, but that the presence of the rectangular structures representing perineuronal membrane-associated immobile anions, from sialic acid-bearing glycosides to chondroitin sulfate-decorated aggrecan family proteoglycans, make up roughly half the total anionic charge. The total extracellular charge is the same on the left and right sides of the schematic, both for cations and anions, even though the number of mobile anions on the right is half the number on the left. Because the immobile anions are known to be heterogeneously distributed, Gauss’ Law implies that mobile anions, principally chloride, must also be heterogeneously distributed in the extracellular space to maintain total anionic charge. Because transmembrane chloride flux underlies GABAergic inhibition, we directly and non-invasively measure extracellular chloride to better understand the influence of Donnan exclusion on chloride distribution and inhibitory function in vitro and in vivo.
Response to a Letter to the Editor: An alternative mechanism for slow pacemaking
- Version of Record online: 02 December 2024
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
The background sodium leak channel NALCN is a major controlling factor in pituitary cell excitability
- Version of Record online: 02 December 2024
Abstract figure legend Pituitary hormones are essential to life because they regulate important physiological processes, such as growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, and the stress response. This is achieved via signalling interplay between the brain, mainly through hypothalamic neurohormone secretion, and peripheral feedback signals that shape pituitary cell excitability. Hormonal secretion relies on the spontaneous electrical activity of pituitary cells that regulates the intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) level, an essential signalling conduit for hormonal secretion. The sodium leak channel NALCN is integral for regulating pituitary excitability by tuning cellular resting membrane potential to support spontaneous firing activity, raising [Ca2+]i for hormonal secretion.
Muscular strength, endothelial function and cognitive disorders: state of the art
- Version of Record online: 29 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Effects of ageing in cognitive decline. Ageing induces a cascade of changes, including increased oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, chronic inflammation and anabolic resistance. These alterations disrupt the homeostasis of the skeletal muscle and endothelium, creating an altered environment of different factors at the cellular level, ultimately contributing to cognitive impairment.
Ultrastructure and cardiac impulse propagation: scaling up from microscopic to macroscopic conduction
- Version of Record online: 29 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Scaling up ultrastructural heterogeneities and subcellular conduction to arrhythmogenesis in the heart. Lower panels: T-tubular network in a ventricular myocyte (left); Cx43 distribution (green) in a ventricular myocyte (middle); and in an intercalated disc linking two myocytes. AC, area composita; D, desmosome; GJ, gap junction; Mf, myofibrils; and Mt, mitochondria. Upper panels: ECG showing initiation of arrhythmias (left) and colour map of voltage of the epicardial surface during an arrhythmia from a computer simulation (right).
Response to - Exposing mice to extremely hypertonic treatments: A recurring problem in lactate research
- Version of Record online: 29 November 2024
Neural control of the heart: intrinsic cardiac ganglion neurons
- Version of Record online: 28 November 2024
Incretin impact on gastric function in obesity: physiology, and pharmacological, surgical and endoscopic treatments
- Version of Record online: 23 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Postprandial release of incretin hormones is associated with increased insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells improving glycaemic control, as well as reduced appetite, and slowing of gastric emptying that result in weight loss with reduced risks from co-morbidities, including cardiovascular diseases and metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease.
Journal Club
Food for thought: implications of exercise-induced changes to cerebral glucose metabolism in ageing and Alzheimer's disease
- Version of Record online: 23 November 2024
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
Incretin hormones and obesity
- Version of Record online: 22 November 2024
Abstract figure legend The incretin system in obesity. The incretin hormones glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) (yellow) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (blue) are produced by the proximal and distal small intestinal epithelium, where they are released postprandially into the bloodstream to modulate a myriad of physiological and metabolic functions. GIP is mostly produced by K-cells in the duodenum and jejunum, whereas GLP-1 is produced by L-cells mostly in the ileum and large intestine. These incretin hormones act on the pancreas causing an increase in insulin secretion. GIP increases glucagon production, whereas GLP-1 decreases it. These hormones have been shown to reduce food intake, causing weight loss. Central GLP-1 increases nausea, whereas GIP has been shown to decrease nausea by acting on GIP receptors in the brainstem.
Molecular and cellular
Pannexin 1 and pannexin 3 differentially regulate the cancer cell properties of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
- Version of Record online: 19 November 2024
Abstract figure legend PANX1 and PANX3 show opposite expression patterns in patient-derived normal skin and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) tumours, with PANX1 increased and PANX3 mRNA decreased in cSCC tumours compared to skin. Within the tumour PANX1 localizes to all regions, including tumour nests which house cSCC cancer cells and tumour stroma which contains tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, cancer-associated fibroblasts and blood vessels. PANX1 deletion by CRISPR/Cas9 editing and PANX1 channel inhibition via probenecid (PBN) and spironolactone (SPL) reduces SCC-13 cancer cell properties of SCC-13 such as growth and migration. Conversely, global Panx3 (knockout) KO mice subjected to the 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene/12-otetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (DMBA/TPA) cutaneous carcinogenesis model have increased papilloma growth and incidence. Created with
Prospective in silico trials identify combined SK and K2P channel block as an effective strategy for atrial fibrillation cardioversion
- Version of Record online: 18 November 2024
Abstract figure legend In silico trials were conducted in 654 virtual patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) to assess the cardioversion efficacy of three pharmacological treatments: single SK and K2P channel block and combined SK+K2P channel inhibition. Left: representative virtual AF patient with the atria inside the torso. Screenshot of the simulated transmembrane voltage and the ECG (dimensionless, only showing atrial activity) in control conditions and after all three pharmacological interventions. Successful AF cardioversion and recovery of P-waves only occurs for combined SK+K2P channel block. Right: cardioversion efficacy in the 654 virtual patients.
Bioelectronic block of stellate ganglia mitigates pacing-induced heterogeneous release of catecholamine and neuropeptide Y in the infarcted pig heart
- Version of Record online: 18 November 2024
Abstract figure legend A total of 15 Yorkshire pigs were used as either healthy controls (n = 5) or given chronic infarctions (n = 10). Ventricular programmed pacing was used as a stressor to analyze the effects of bioelectric block Axonal Modulation Therapy (AMT) of the right sympathetic chain. Noradrenaline (NA) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY) were measured as outputs, as well as various hemodynamic and electrophysiologic parameters. Blocking the signals on the right sympathetic chain appeared to reduce the release of NA in both control animals and healthy tissue in MI animals. The region close to the infarction scar appeared to see less of an effect, but the AMT lessened the heterogeneities between the infarcted and healthy regions of the heart.
Interleukin-1 type 1 receptor blockade attenuates the exaggerated exercise pressor reflex in male UC Davis type 2 diabetic mellitus rats
- Version of Record online: 18 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Receptors and channels on thin fiber (group III and IV) afferents are stimulated by muscle contraction, evoking reflexive decreases in parasympathetic activity and increases in sympathetic activity. These autonomic responses, in turn, increase heart rate, cardiac contractility, cardiac output, and peripheral resistance. This is referred to as the exercise pressor reflex. In rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), chronic low-grade inflammation may lead to increased IL-1β levels and/or activation of IL-1 receptors (IL-1R), sensitizing thin fiber afferents and resulting in an exaggerated exercise pressor reflex compared to healthy rats. In healthy rats, stimulation of IL-1R with exogenous IL-1β exaggerates the normal exercise pressor reflex, while IL-1R blockade in T2DM rats attenuates the exaggerated response.
Acute introduction of monomeric or multimeric α-synuclein induces distinct impacts on synaptic vesicle trafficking at lamprey giant synapses
- Version of Record online: 12 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Monomeric and multimeric α-synuclein were purified from HEK cells and delivered to lamprey reticulospinal (RS) synapses via axonal microinjection, followed by stimulation (20 Hz, 5 min). Ultrastructural analysis showed that both α-synuclein species impaired intracellular vesicle trafficking, leading to synaptic vesicle loss and endosome buildup. While multimeric α-synuclein reduced synaptic vesicle docking, monomeric α-synuclein induced a greater expansion of the plasma membrane (PM), inhibited clathrin-mediated endocytosis and caused atypical fusion at the active zone. This highlights the distinct effects of monomeric and multimeric α-synuclein on synaptic function. Created with
Letter to the Editor
Exposing mice to extremely hypertonic treatments: a recurring problem in lactate research
- Version of Record online: 11 November 2024
Critical closing pressure and resistance-area product as markers of cerebral autoregulation dynamics
- Version of Record online: 11 November 2024
Molecular and cellular
Skeletal muscle reactive oxygen species and microvascular endothelial function in age-related hypertension: a study protocol using a microdialysis technique
- Version of Record online: 09 November 2024
Abstract figure legend A microdialysis method to detect hydrogen peroxide and superoxide within skeletal muscle and determine nutritive blood flow, while also assessing microvascular endothelial function in response to acetylcholine stimulation. This technique for physiology has the potential to identify mechanistic insights involved in the development of age-related hypertension.
Regional cerebral perfusion and sympathetic activation during exercise in hypoxia and hypercapnia: preliminary insight into ‘Cushing's mechanism’
- Version of Record online: 09 November 2024
Abstract figure legend During handgrip exercise in hypoxia, brain perfusion is suboptimal and muscle sympathetic nerve activity is potentiated (left panel). During the exercise in hypercapnia, brain perfusion is supraoptimal and muscle sympathetic nerve activity is suppressed (right panel). These observations support the notion that Cushing's mechanism is activated during hypoxic exercise while inhibited during hypercapnic exercise.
Comparative specialization of intrinsic cardiac neurons in humans, mice and pigs
- Version of Record online: 08 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Neurons clustered into ganglia at the heart's surface, referred to as intrinsic cardiac neurons (ICNs), supply innervation to the heart and control cardiac function. While studied in mammalian and non-mammalian species, data from human ICNs are largely unavailable. To fill this gap, we conducted a comprehensive study of ICNs from mice, pigs and humans using a combination of biological techniques. Intracellular recording, dye filling of single neurons, immunohistochemistry of whole and sectioned ganglia, and transmission electron microscopy of single cells were used to generate a dataset encompassing the physiology, morphology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of these neurons from each species. The resulting publicly available database identifies both similarities and differences in ICNs across mammals, highlighting structural and functional properties unique to humans.
Testosterone and androgen receptors in females: what is possible with resistance training?
- Version of Record online: 08 November 2024
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
Oxyntomodulin physiology and its therapeutic development in obesity and associated complications
- Version of Record online: 04 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Physiological influences of OXM and its emerging insights from evidence on bariatric surgery effects.
CCK, cholecystokinin; FGF21, fibroblast growth factor 21; GLUT4, glucose transporter type 4; IRS1, insulin receptor substrate-1; NNMT, nicotinamide N-methyltransferase; OXM, oxyntomodulin
Molecular and cellular
Sphingosine-1-phosphate activates LRRC8 volume-regulated anion channels through Gβγ signalling
- Version of Record online: 04 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) binds to Gi protein-coupled receptor S1PR1. Upon S1PR1 activation, Gβγ is released from the Gαi-Gβγ heterotrimer, allowing it to recruit phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ) to the plasma membrane. PLCβ cleaves phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) into inositol trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG). DAG recruits and activates protein kinase D (PKD), which in turn may lead to leucin-rich repeat containing 8 (LRRC8)/volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC) activation. Created with
Dynamin independent mechanism of exo-endocytosis coupling
- Version of Record online: 04 November 2024
Motor unit adaptation to disuse: crossing the threshold from firing rate suppression to neuromuscular junction transmission
- Version of Record online: 04 November 2024
Abstract figure legend Neuromuscular disuse scenarios of limb immobilization, reduced activity and bed rest result in impairments of muscle strength that exceed losses of muscle size. Neural adaptations are an assured consequence of disuse. The available evidence garnered from human and animal models highlights suppressed motor unit firing rate (MUFR) that is more evident in lower-threshold motor units, in which electrophysiological methods indicate no discernible impairment of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Numerous other methods corroborate NMJ impairment following disuse, and this may be applicable only to higher-threshold motor units. The dashed arrow indicates the theoretical and simplified relationship between motor unit recruitment and muscle force generation.
Post-stroke fatigue – a multidimensional problem or a cluster of disorders? A case for phenotyping post-stroke fatigue
- Version of Record online: 02 November 2024
Abstract figure legend This diagram summarises the many dimensions of fatigue, its behavioural presentation, the multiple models that have attempted to explain fatigue, the winning model of sensory attenuation model, which provides a basis for identifying phenotypes of fatigue along with the need for tailoring treatment to the presenting symptom.
Experience-driven competition in neural reorganization after stroke
- Version of Record online: 30 October 2024
Letter to the Editor
Intermittent hypoxia and motor learning: new information and new questions
- Version of Record online: 29 October 2024
Biology, function and structure of the calcium homeostasis modulator family
- Version of Record online: 29 October 2024
Abstract figure legend The large-pore calcium homeostasis modulators (CALHMs) have diverse functions, structures and biological roles. CALHM1, the heteromeric CALHM1/3 and possibly CALHM2 facilitate ATP and ion conductance. Both CALHM1 and CALHM2 have critical roles in neuromodulation, neuroinflammation, and learning and memory, while CALHM1 and CALHM1/3 are involved in taste perception. Recent evidence also suggests a role for CALHM6 in innate immunity.
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
Shortcomings, limitations and gaps in physiological roles of extracellular vesicles in obesity
- Version of Record online: 29 October 2024
Abstract figure legend The generation and release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) are influenced by the cell source and by differences in the age, sex, ethnicity, health and weight of donors. These factors, along with the protocols used, result in varied physiological effects owing to differences in biological actions, cargo content, quantity and the receptivity and effectiveness of target tissues.
Neuromuscular mechanisms for the fast decline in rate of force development with muscle disuse – a narrative review
- Version of Record online: 28 October 2024
Abstract figure legend Muscle unloading induces declines in muscle function, particularly in maximal and explosive strength. The decline in explosive strength (quantified as rate of force development, RFD) is greater than the decline in maximal strength (quantified as maximal force, Fmax). This selective decline of explosive strength is the result of the interplay of neural, muscular, and tendinous adaptations with muscle disuse, which are hereby presented.
Letter to the Editor
Journal Club
Pathophysiological features of pre-clinical HFrEF and HFpEF models
- Version of Record online: 27 October 2024
Atrial cardiomyopathy resulting from loss of plakophilin-2 expression: Response to adrenergic stimulation and implications for the exercise response
- Version of Record online: 24 October 2024
Abstract figure legend Loss of plakophilin2 (PKP2) in the mouse atrium leads to impaired cell–cell contact and extensive fibrotic remodelling (middle). PKP2-deficient atrial cardiomyocytes exhibit enhanced sarcomere shortening and impaired relaxation, potentially related to reduced abundance of myosin binding protein C (left). In addition, PKP2-deficient atrial cardiomyocytes present increased spontaneous sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium (Ca2+) release events, further enhanced by isoproterenol exposure and reversible by a ryanodine receptor (RyR) blocker (dantrolene). SR Ca2+ leak is probably caused by elevated levels of oxidative stress (ROS) in the mitochondria (right).
Synaptic communication within the microcircuits of pyramidal neurons and basket cells in the mouse prefrontal cortex
- Version of Record online: 17 October 2024
Abstract figure legend Basket cells represent critical building blocks of neuronal circuits in cortical regions by providing GABAergic innervation to the perisomatic region of their postsynaptic partners. In the mouse prelimbic cortex, the two basket cell types expressing parvalbumin or cholecystokinin/type I cannabinoid receptor receive unitary excitatory postsynaptic currents from local principal neurons with contrasting amplitude and latency. Basket cells also give rise to unitary inhibitory postsynaptic currents on principal cells that differ in terms of their reliability, latency and short-term plasticity. Moreover, the two basket cell types innervate each other in this cortical area. These fundamental features of the synaptic communication within the microcircuitry composed of pyramidal cells and two types of basket cells in the prelimbic cortex are critical for local information processing underlying complex network operation.
Bioavailable testosterone and androgen receptor activation, but not total testosterone, are associated with muscle mass and strength in females
- Version of Record online: 11 October 2024
Abstract figure legend Twenty-seven pre-menopausal, untrained females performed a 12-week resistance training programme to explore the association between androgen concentrations, androgen receptor signalling and skeletal muscle size and strength. Total testosterone was not associated with muscle mass or strength, nor with resistance training-induced muscle hypertrophy or strength gains. Bioavailable testosterone and nuclear-localised androgen receptor (AR) were associated with muscle size and strength. In vitro, supra-physiological doses of testosterone increased muscle cell size, but not via the Akt/mTOR pathway. Instead, testosterone significantly increased AR protein content and nuclear localisation. Figure created with
Dynamics of cardio-muscular networks in exercise and fatigue
- Version of Record online: 11 October 2024
Abstract figure legend This study introduces a pioneering approach to assess cardio-muscular network interactions by examining the synchronization of cardiac function with muscle activity during exercise and fatigue. Participants performed two sets of bodyweight squats until exhaustion, with a 5 min rest period between sets. During the protocol, electrocardiogram (EKG) signals were recorded alongside electromyography (EMG) signals from the left and right vastus lateralis (Leg Left, Leg Right) and erector spinae (Back Left, Back Right) muscles. We decomposed EMG signals into 10 frequency bands (F1–F10) and then cross-correlated these bands with heart rate derived from the EKG. We uncover the first profiles of cardio-muscular interactions characterized by specific hierarchical organization of link strength. We observed a significant decline in the degree of cardio-muscular coupling with fatigue (∼65%), marked by complex transitions from synchronous to asynchronous behaviour.
Computational physiology and modelling
A simulation study on the role of mitochondria-sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ interaction in cardiomyocyte energetics during exercise
- Version of Record online: 10 October 2024
Abstract figure legend An integrated model of human ventricular myocyte with excitation-contraction-energetics coupling was created to systematically analyse the contribution of Ca2+ regulation of mitochondrial enzymes to cardiomyocyte functions during workload transition; i.e. exercise. During exercise, the mitochondria-sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ interaction, via uneven distributions of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter protein MCU, Na+-Ca2+ exchanger protein NCLX, sarcoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptor RyR and Ca2+ pump SERCA, optimizes the homeostasis of NADH, a key intermediate connecting mitochondrial metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation.
Intersectin-1 enhances calcium-dependent replenishment of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles during development
- Version of Record online: 09 October 2024
Abstract figure legend During development, Intersectin-1 (Itsn1) translocates near voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) to enhance Ca2+-dependent replenishment of readily releasable synaptic vesicles (SVs). In the presynaptic terminal, SVs undergo a cycle involving formation (step 1), docking (step 2), exocytosis (step 3), endocytosis (step 4) and refilling (step 5) to sustain transmitter release. The developmental repositioning of Itsn1 (purple) to the vicinity of VGCCs, forming a Ca2+ domain (pink), potentially facilitates recovery from exocytosis and thereby supports faithful synaptic transmission during repetitive activity.
Molecular and cellular
Molecular permeation through large pore channels: computational approaches and insights
- Version of Record online: 07 October 2024
Abstract figure legend Computational approaches to understanding permeation of molecules through wide pores. [< bold] The figure depicts several types of wide pore channels embedded in a plasma membrane (left to right: CAHLM, connexin, pannexin). Structures of several molecules known to permeate various types of wide pores are shown. A general equation in Molecular dynamics (MD) is F(x) = −∇U(x), in which U(x) is the potential energy as a function of atom positions, and F(x) is the force acting on each atom computed from the negative gradient of the potential energy. The plot below depicts an example of the free energy profile of a molecular permeant at each position within a pore. The free energy computed from MD simulation includes components arising from the flexibility and anisotropic nature of a permeating molecule, coupled with the dynamics and interactions with pore-lining residues.
Kif1a and intact microtubules maintain synaptic-vesicle populations at ribbon synapses in zebrafish hair cells
- Version of Record online: 07 October 2024
Abstract figure legend Sensory hair cells of the inner ear and lateral-line system exhibit strong synaptic-vesicle enrichment at the presynapse, around specialized structures called ribbons. We find that hair cells in the zebrafish lateral-line system rely on the kinesin motor protein Kif1a and microtubules to enrich synaptic vesicles at presynaptic ribbons. Light and electron microscopy reveal that kif1aa mutants have fewer synapses and fail to properly enrich synaptic vesicles at the ribbons. Functional assessments show that kif1aa mutants have reduced spontaneous spikes at the afferent cell body and smaller evoked calcium responses at the afferent terminals compared with controls. These synaptic deficiencies significantly impact the zebrafish's ability to rheotax, a behaviour that requires the lateral-line system to orient against water flow. While wild-type zebrafish maintain their position in flow, kif1aa mutants are unable to sustain this behaviour.
Biogenesis and reformation of synaptic vesicles
- Version of Record online: 05 October 2024
The synaptic vesicle cluster as a controller of pre- and postsynaptic structure and function
- Version of Record online: 05 October 2024
Ubiquitin ligase signalling networks shape presynaptic development, function and disease
- Version of Record online: 03 October 2024
Journal Club
The role of ganglionic plexi neurons in atrial fibrillation following spinal cord injury
- Version of Record online: 30 September 2024
White Paper
Neurocardiology: translational advancements and potential
- Version of Record online: 27 September 2024
Direction from the wanderer: insight into cardiac neural control from single axons within the vagus nerve
- Version of Record online: 26 September 2024
Firing properties of single axons with cardiac rhythmicity in the human cervical vagus nerve
- Version of Record online: 25 September 2024
Abstract figure legend The activity of single neurones was isolated from microneurographic recordings of the human cervical vagus nerve. The firing of these neurones was then cross-correlated with the heartbeat to identify neurones that fire with a cardiac rhythm. Such neurones are of interest because the presence of cardiac rhythmicity implicates them as having a cardiovascular function. A fluctuation in firing frequency that occurred with a similar frequency to that of the cardiac rhythm was taken as evidence of cardiac rhythmicity. Once identified as cardiac rhythmic, further functional classification of these neurones was attempted based on the temporal relationship between the peak in their firing frequency and the cardiac or respiratory cycles.
Membrane trafficking of synaptic adhesion molecules
- Version of Record online: 25 September 2024
Cells and ionic conductances contributing to spontaneous activity in bladder and urethral smooth muscle
- Version of Record online: 25 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Cells and conductances contributing to spontaneous activity in the lower urinary tract. Bladder and urethra exhibit spontaneous contractions at both cellular and tissue levels. Both detrusor and urethral smooth muscle cells display activity that is regular and rhythmic. Distinct populations of interstitial cells exist in muscle layers of both organs, with platelet derived growth factor receptor-α+ cells present in detrusor, and Kit+ cells (interstitial cell of Cajal-like cells) in urethra. These cells may influence activity of detrusor and urethral smooth muscle, respectively. Detrusor and urethral smooth muscle cells rely on varying complements of ion channels to regulate spontaneous activity. In bladder, small and large conductance potassium channels (SK3/BK) and voltage-dependent calcium channels (Cav1.2) are consistently found to be important. In urethra, there is disparity among species and investigators as to the importance of Cav1.2, calcium activated chloride (Ano1) channels and Orai calcium channels. This review summarizes the current thoughts of the field on these similarities and discrepancies.
Putting the HYPE in hypertension: peripheral chemoreflex constraint of skeletal muscle blood flow
- Version of Record online: 24 September 2024
Mechanisms of pacemaking in mammalian neurons
- Version of Record online: 20 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Spontaneous firing of action potentials in pacemaking neurons (here illustrated by spontaneous firing at 65 Hz in a dissociated mouse cerebellar Purkinje neuron studied at 37°C) is often driven by a subthreshold ‘persistent’ sodium current from voltage-dependent sodium channels (here shown from a voltage clamp recording in the same Purkinje neuron, with steady-state tetrodoxin-sensitive current evoked by a slow, 10 mV s–1, voltage ramp from −98 to −48 mV). Green segments show the voltage range between −80 and −70 mV, illustrating presence of increasing persistent sodium current during the spontaneous depolarization in the interspike interval. Experiment by Brett Carter.
Control of action potential afterdepolarizations in the inferior olive by inactivating A-type currents through KV4 channels
- Version of Record online: 20 September 2024
Abstract figure legend KV4 channel availability regulates inferior olive action potential duration. The durations of action potentials in inferior olive neurons (blue) depend strongly on preceding membrane potential, with afterdepolarizations varying over the physiological range by almost two orders of magnitude (open circles). Voltage clamp recordings reveal large, inactivating KV4 channel potassium currents (red), with a steep availability curve (closed circles), which accounts for the graded voltage-dependent changes in action potential waveforms.
Journal Club
Tilted but not down: Exercise during bed rest improves mitochondrial function in older adults
- Version of Record online: 18 September 2024
Peripheral chemoreflex restrains skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise in participants with treated hypertension
- Version of Record online: 14 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Cardiorespiratory and brachial artery haemodynamic assessments were made during intravenous infusion of low-dose dopamine, to inhibit the peripheral chemoreflex, and saline (control) at rest, and during hypoxia and rhythmic handgrip exercise in people with hypertension. Compared with saline, low-dose dopamine reduced resting ventilation, the hypoxic ventilatory response and increased the magnitude of the increase in brachial blood flow and vascular conductance during rhythmic handgrip.
Protein kinase C epsilon contributes to chronic mechanoreflex sensitization in rats with heart failure
- Version of Record online: 13 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Skeletal muscle contraction leads to exaggerated reflex increases in sympathetic nerve activity in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction (HF-rEF) which raises cardiovascular risk and impairs exercise tolerance. This is partly due to chronic sensitization of mechanically sensitive group III/IV muscle afferents via Gq protein-coupled thromboxane A2 (TxA2) and bradykinin B2 receptor signalling. The specific Gq protein-linked signalling mechanisms underlying this sensitization have not been fully explored, though indirect evidence strongly suggests the involvement of either inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors and/or protein kinase C epsilon (PKCε). Our findings demonstrate that PKCε, but not IP3 receptors, within sensory endings of thin fibre muscle afferents play a role in the mechanoreflex sensitization in HF-rEF rats.
Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
Sodium thiosulfate treatment rescues hyperglycaemia-induced pronephros damage in zebrafish by upregulating nitric oxide signalling
- Version of Record online: 12 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Sodium thiosulfate (STS) rescues the pronephros phenotype of pdx1 morphants through compensatory upregulation of nitric oxide (NO) metabolism. Zebrafish larvae injected with a control morpholino show the typical pronephros structure at 48 h post-fertilization (hpf) with and without STS treatment. In pdx1 morphants, citrulline concentration is decreased and arginine and proline metabolism show reduced activity, indicating downregulated NO metabolism and leading to pronephros damage at 48 hpf. Treatment with STS resulted in higher arginine and citrulline concentrations, implying an increased production of NO, leading to the rescue of the pronephros of pdx1 morphants at 48 hpf.
Dual role for pannexin 1 at synapses: regulating functional and morphological plasticity
- Version of Record online: 12 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Pannexin 1 (PANX1) regulation of dendritic spines. The postnatal decrease in PANX1 expression could release key spine cytoskeleton-regulating proteins enabling spine stabilization. Does the physiological decrease in neuronal PANX1 levels across brain development underlie dendritic spine maturation? Conversely, does the increased PANX1 expression and/or activity observed in inflammatory/injury contexts trigger pathological spine dysfunction, destabilization, and loss?
Acute exercise alters brain glucose metabolism in aging and Alzheimer's disease
- Version of Record online: 11 September 2024
Abstract figure legend In both cognitively healthy participants and individuals with Alzheimer's disease, acute exercise was associated with a drop in brain glucose metabolism. Exercise also increased blood lactate levels, with higher intensity exercise increasing lactate more than moderate intensity exercise. Amongst all individuals, lactate area under the curve (AUC) during exercise was negatively associated with a drop in brain glucose metabolism. FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; HRR, heart rate reserve; PET, positron emission tomography; SUVR, standardized uptake value ratio.
Vagus nerve stimulation for stroke rehabilitation: Neural substrates, neuromodulatory effects and therapeutic implications
- Version of Record online: 07 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Potential mechanisms of paired vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) to potentiate motor gains. Paired VNS therapy combines training movements with bursts of electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. Physical training engages the motor network, represented as blue activation areas in the cortex, cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord. VNS triggers the widespread release of neuromodulatory neurotransmitters (i.e. norepinephrine, serotonin and ACh) throughout the CNS, represented as an orange glow. At the network level, the timing of VNS delivery with a training movement allows for functional targeting, such that only the CNS areas that are activated by training are susceptible to modulation. At the neural level, training-induced plasticity between pre- and post-synaptic neurons is reinforced by the VNS-induced release of neuromodulators. The behavioural result is accelerated motor recovery and increased gains in motor function.
GluN2C/D-containing NMDA receptors enhance temporal summation and increase sound-evoked and spontaneous firing in the inferior colliculus
- Version of Record online: 06 September 2024
Abstract figure legend Here, we find that GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are expressed by most vasoactive intestinal peptide neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC). These receptors are less susceptible to Mg2+ blockade compared to GluN2A/B-containing NMDARs, allowing ions to flow at resting membrane potential. The slow kinetics of GluN2D-containing receptors enhances the time window for synaptic integration and facilitates temporal summation of repetitive synaptic inputs. In a computational model, we show that addition of a GluN2D-like NMDA conductance alters rate tuning for trains of synaptic inputs. We find a similar result in vivo, where blocking GluN2C/D-containing NMDARs decreases the spontaneous firing rate of IC neurons, decreases rate coding for the modulation frequency of amplitude-modulated sounds, and minimally affects temporal coding.
Modelling neurocardiac physiology and diseases using human pluripotent stem cells: current progress and future prospects
- Version of Record online: 05 September 2024
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
Differential effect of lead and cadmium on mitochondrial function and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in human trophoblast
- Version of Record online: 28 August 2024
Abstract figure legend The human placenta not only detects the presence of Pb and Cd but also carries hypoxia and inflammatory risks, which are associated with pregnancy complications. To understand the impact of these factors on the placental trophoblast, we evaluated the effect of Pb and Cd on mitochondrial function and the NLRP3 inflammasome in three trophoblast cell lines under normoxia, hypoxia and pro-inflammatory conditions. We observed that hypoxia decreased ΔΨ and promoted apoptosis in JEG-3 cells, increased ΔΨ and prevented apoptosis in BeWo cells, and did not change ΔΨ and apoptosis in HTR-8/SVneo cells. Moreover, Pb under hypoxic conditions reduced ΔΨ and promoted apoptosis of BeWo cells. Exposure of BeWo and HTR-8/SVneo cells to hypoxia, Pb or Cd alone upregulated the expression of NLRP3 and pro-caspase 1 but did not activate the NLRP3 inflammasome. To conclude, Pb and Cd affected trophoblast mitochondrial function and NLRP3 proteins in trophoblast cell lines, but in a cell line-specific way.
Journal Club
HFrEF and HFpEF: are mitochondria at the heart of the matter?
- Version of Record online: 27 August 2024
Presynaptic quantal size enhancement counteracts post-tetanic release depression
- Version of Record online: 26 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Sustained high-frequency stimulation decreases the number of synaptic vesicles that fuse per action potential at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. However, the postsynaptic response remains largely unchanged. An increased postsynaptic response to individual vesicles, likely driven by an increase in vesicle size resulting from endocytosis defects, stabilizes synaptic efficacy for minutes after sustained activity. Our findings advance our understanding of the mechanisms promoting robust synaptic transmission during sustained neuronal activity.
Towards spatially selective efferent neuromodulation: anatomical and functional organization of cardiac fibres in the porcine cervical vagus nerve
- Version of Record online: 26 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Functional, in vivo imaging was performed in pigs by means of selective vagus nerve stimulation with a multi-electrode cuff in conjunction with physiological readouts of organ-specific activity. These data were analysed and correlated to the electrode positions to determine the functional map. Subsequently, the pig was killed and the vagus nerve with its branches was dissected. Structural imaging was performed with contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography scanning followed by 3D segmentation of the organ-specific branches up, and from the nodose ganglion down, to the mid-cervical level of the vagus nerve. Locations of the laryngeal, pulmonary and the cardiac efferent and afferent function or fascicles were identified using both the in vivo and ex vivo imaging methods, respectively, in the same animal for cross-validation. The maps show the mean organization of regions across animals (n = 10 in vivo, n = 5 ex vivo). Laryngeal fascicles were predominantly efferent and in close proximity to the cardiac efferent fascicles, and pulmonary fascicles were mostly afferent and in close proximity to the cardiac afferent fascicles that were identified to be specifically cardiopulmonary fibre-containing fascicles. Notably, the cardiac efferent and cardiac afferent regions were significantly separated and thus this gives promise for the selective neuromodulation of the cardiac efferent fascicles without activation of cardiac and pulmonary afferent-related reflexes for the treatment of heart disease.
Human brain imaging with high-density electroencephalography: Techniques and applications
- Version of Record online: 22 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Recent technological advances have elevated high-density electroencephalography (hdEEG) to the status of a reliable neuroimaging tool. This technique measures scalp potentials with high temporal resolution, which permits the non-invasive detection and analysis of neural oscillations. hdEEG data analyses can be conducted at the sensor level, as well as at the source level. Accurate localization of neural sources is a specific feature of hdEEG compared to standard low-density systems. Notably, hdEEG source localization is achieved by combining realistic head models, which incorporate detailed information about the subject's anatomy and electrode positions, with innovative methods for inverse problem solutions. hdEEG offers a powerful and versatile tool for investigating neural correlates in motor and cognitive neuroscience experiments, as well as for clinical investigations.
Pathophysiological role of connexin and pannexin hemichannels in neuromuscular disorders
- Version of Record online: 22 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Common pathways leading to muscle atrophy in different skeletal muscle diseases Involving connexin hemichannels. Each condition is associated with de novo expression and increased activity of connexin hemichannel (Cx HC) activity in myofibres. Cx HC activity contributes to elevated intracellular Ca2⁺ levels, which in turn drives muscle atrophy.
Intracerebroventricular insulin injection acutely normalizes the augmented exercise pressor reflex in male rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Version of Record online: 21 August 2024
Abstract figure legend The exercise pressor reflex (EPR), evoked by muscle contraction, is exaggerated in male rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Cerebrospinal fluid insulin and phosphoinositide 3-kinase in the nucleus tractus solitarius levels are normal in controls and low in T2DM rats, corresponding with normal and exaggerated EPR function. Injection of exogenous insulin into the brain normalizes the EPR only in T2DM rats. Created with
Plasticity of the heart in response to changes in physical activity
- Version of Record online: 20 August 2024
Abstract figure legend The heart adapts to changes in physical activity, with inactivity (e.g. bed rest or spaceflight) causing cardiac atrophy and ventricular stiffening, and endurance exercise training leading to eccentric hypertrophy and improved ventricular compliance. The plasticity of the heart also decreases with increasing age, leading to interactions between the effects of exercise training or inactivity, and ageing. LV, left ventricle.
cAMP reduces action potential amplitude and conduction velocity over long axonal distance
- Version of Record online: 17 August 2024
Journal Club
Postganglionic cholinergic collaterals drive pathological sympathetic hyperactivity
- Version of Record online: 16 August 2024
Cardiac sympathetic neurons are additional cells affected in genetically determined arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
- Version of Record online: 14 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Cardiac sympathetic neurons express desmoglein-2 (DSG2) and harbour mutations in DSG2-linked arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. DSG2 mutations affect sympathetic neuron biology (i.e. reduced axonal sprouting, irregular distribution of varicosities) and result in aberrant cardiac innervation. Hyperinnervation of DSG2 mutant hearts appears before structural myocardial remodelling and worsens along with disease progression.
Persistence of quantal synaptic vesicle recycling in virtual absence of dynamins
- Version of Record online: 14 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Figure depicts the key finding from this study. While loss of all dynamins severely debilitates synaptic vesicle retrieval following repetitive activity, retrieval and recycling of individual synaptic vesicles following spontaneous fusion or sparse stimulation are minimally affected.
Somatostatin modulation of initial fusion pores in Ca2+-triggered exocytosis from mouse chromaffin cells
- Version of Record online: 14 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Somatostatin binds to a G-protein-coupled receptor to inhibit the release of catecholamine from chromaffin cells. This action has no impact on Ca2+ levels and is similar for Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2 channels and for Ca2+ mobilization from the endoplasmic reticulum. A stabilization of the initial fusion pore favours kiss-and-run over full-fusion. This will preferentially inhibit the release of large peptide hormones.
Presynaptic H3 receptor: A modulator for CeL excitatory-inhibitory homeostasis
- Version of Record online: 12 August 2024
Using mechanistic knowledge to appraise contemporary approaches to the rehabilitation of upper limb function following stroke
- Version of Record online: 11 August 2024
Abstract figure legend In assessing potential for recovery of upper limb function following stroke, it has become customary to focus on the corticospinal tract. Damage to other regions of the structural (white matter) brain connectome generates deficits that span multiple domains (e.g. motor, language, attention and verbal/spatial memory) and determines not only initial functional status, but also the response to movement therapies. Disconnectome modelling - referring a lesion delineated using a clinical scan to a (dis)connectivity atlas derived from the brains of other stroke survivors, capitalizes upon this knowledge to provide a basis for personalized prognosis and precision rehabilitation. Abbreviations: ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus. Figure redrawn and adapted from the authors' original artwork, which is available at: The original artwork contains elements derived from the following sources: and All artwork was published under either a CC BY 4.0 DEED license ( or Creative Commons BY-SA (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) license (
Exploring neuronal mechanisms of osteosarcopenia in older adults
- Version of Record online: 09 August 2024
Abstract figure legend The mechanosensitive osteocytic network within the bone matrix acts as a receptor and plays a crucial role in the functional adaptation of bone to mechanical loading. Through mechanotransduction, osteocytes convert mechanical impulses into electrical signals, which are transmitted via afferent nerves to sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord and then to ganglionic neurons. Neuropeptides released from postganglionic sympathetic efferent nerves regulate bone formation and resorption processes. Additionally, osteocytes regulate skeletal muscle function by activating motor neurons in the spinal cord via afferent nerves. Disruption of this neuronal regulation mechanism can lead to bone loss and sarcopenia.
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
Placental mitochondrial impairment and its association with maternal metabolic dysfunction
- Version of Record online: 08 August 2024
Abstract figure legend Diseases of pregnancy such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, pre-pregnancy maternal obesity and obesity in pregnancy result in dysfunctional mitochondria, leading to altered fetal development and growth with consequences for young and adulthood. Created with
An update on pacemaking in the myometrium
- Version of Record online: 28 July 2024
Abstract figure legend The spread of multiple electrical signals (panel A, blue-to-red indicates increasing electrical excitability) that are spatiotemporally distinct, yet in-phase with the excitatory episode, determines action potential shape and form (panel B, as recorded by single cell microelectrodes) and ensures contractile amplitude and duration (panel C). Time scale bar (appropriate for humans and guinea-pigs) 200 m s.
The protective effect of 1400W against ischaemia and reperfusion injury is countered by transient medullary kidney endothelial dysregulation
- Version of Record online: 26 July 2024
Abstract figure legend At 48 h of reperfusion, 1400W prevented loss of kidney function, tubular damage marker and proliferation. However, 1400W produced an unexpected upregulation of mRNA levels related to cell cycle arrest, inflammation, mesenchymal transition, and endothelial activation in the renal medulla of the sham group, independent of I/R. Despite the effect of 1400W in the renal medulla, at 28 days of reperfusion, the renal function, blood pressure, fibrosis, and mortality were normal.
Graded control of Purkinje cell outputs by cAMP through opposing actions on axonal action potential and transmitter release
- Version of Record online: 25 July 2024
Abstract figure legend Amplitude and timing of synaptic outputs are gradually modulated by cAMP in a manner dependent on axonal length in cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs). Direct patch clamp recordings from axonal trunks and/or terminals revealed two opposite actions of cAMP on transmitter release at PC axon terminals, giving rise to the axonal length-dependent graded regulation of outputs: (1) attenuation and delay of action potentials (APs) during propagation in a long axon through suppression of axonal voltage-gated Na+ channels (Nav), resulting in reduction of presynaptic Ca2+ influx via voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (Cav), and (2) direct facilitation of transmitter release without affecting Cav and readily releasable vesicles.
Role of adaptor protein complexes in generating functionally distinct synaptic vesicle pools
- Version of Record online: 21 July 2024
Abstract figure legend Synaptic vesicle (SV) retrieval after exocytosis requires a complex molecular machinery. Adaptor protein (AP) complexes fulfil a key function in this process by ensuring the sorting of SV cargo proteins. The canonical clathrin adaptor AP2 plays a central role in multiple pathways including clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and ultra-fast endocytosis (UFE). These pathways are active during mild activity and ensure the replenishment of most SVs across many neuronal populations and model systems. An alternative pathway that relies on AP1/3 ensures the formation of a subset of SVs under conditions of high-frequency neuronal activity when activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE) is engaged. SVs that form via AP2- versus AP3-dependent pathways differ in protein composition and functional properties. Recent evidence shows that vesicular neurotransmitter transporters target these functionally distinct SV pools to a different extent, which leads to differences in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the respective neuronal populations.
Mitigating skeletal muscle wasting in unloading and augmenting subsequent recovery
- Version of Record online: 19 July 2024
Abstract figure legend Summary of what is known during unloading (based on current literature) regarding changes in muscle protein synthesis (MPS) rates, muscle protein breakdown (MPB) rates and cellular processes and organelles involved in regulating muscle protein metabolism and ultimately muscle mass. Figure was created using
Distinguishing pathophysiological features of heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection fraction: A comparative analysis of two mouse models
- Version of Record online: 17 July 2024
Abstract figure legend A head-to-head comparative analysis of two new mouse models of non-ischaemic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and cardiometabolic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) disclosed key differences regarding several pathophysiological features. The HFrEF left ventricle was characterized by systolic dysfunction, with accompanying fibrosis and pronounced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and HFrEF cardiomyocytes exhibited impaired calcium handling and damaged mitochondria. In contrast, the HFpEF left ventricle experienced a substantial increase in myocardial stiffness and a heightened inflammatory state, with a subtler hypertrophic response. In contrast to HFrEF, HFpEF cardiomyocytes displayed a rather enhanced but asynchronous calcium release, with comparably impaired mitochondria. Protein hyperacetylation was considerably more drastic in the HFpEF heart.
Six weeks of localized passive heat therapy elicits some exercise-like improvements in resistance artery function
- Version of Record online: 14 July 2024
Journal Club
Tag team or buddy system: How do co-transmitters modulate autonomic responses?
- Version of Record online: 11 July 2024
A role for synapsin tetramerization in synaptic vesicle clustering
- Version of Record online: 09 July 2024
Suppression of excitatory synaptic transmission in the centrolateral amygdala via presynaptic histamine H3 heteroreceptors
- Version of Record online: 02 July 2024
Abstract figure legend Histamine H3 receptors were found to be expressed on the VGLUT1- or VGLUT2-positive glutamatergic afferent terminals in the centrolateral amygdala (CeL) as presynaptic heteroreceptors. Activation of CeL histaminergic afferent inputs originating from the hypothalamic tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) significantly suppressed the excitatory synaptic transmissions, including the glutamatergic synaptic inputs from the basolateral amygdala (BLA), in both PKC-δ+ and SOM+ CeL neurons via an H3 receptor-mediated presynaptic mechanism.
Journal Club
Limited impact of blood flow restriction on muscle quality of young individuals during prolonged unloading: Implications for therapeutics approaches
- Version of Record online: 26 June 2024
Hypertension increases sympathetic neuron activity by enhancing intraganglionic cholinergic collateral connections
- Version of Record online: 21 June 2024
Abstract figure legend Noradrenergic sympathetic neurons in the wild-type (WT) stellate ganglion have excitatory cholinergic collateral connections to other neurons, but their impact on sympathetic activity in disease is unknown. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings revealed increased activity of sympathetic neurons in ganglia isolated from mice after 1 week of hypertension (HT) induced by peripheral angiotensin II (AngII) infusion. HT-induced activity was blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX), indicating that action potentials were required. Genetically disrupting cholinergic transmission in noradrenergic (TH+) neurons prevented HT-mediated enhancement of neuronal activity. Thus, remodelling of sympathetic neurons via increased cholinergic collateral signalling contributes to sustained sympathetic hyperactivity in cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension.
A multimodal exercise countermeasure prevents the negative impact of head-down tilt bed rest on muscle volume and mitochondrial health in older adults
- Version of Record online: 15 June 2024
Abstract figure legend Fourteen days of 6° head down tilt bed rest (HDBR) in participants 55–65 years of age resulted in muscle atrophy, reduced respiration, increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and increased markers of autophagy and denervation, without altering mitochondrial calcium retention capacity and makers of mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy. A multimodal exercise countermeasure, performed in bed, prevented the deleterious effects of HDBR on muscle volume, mitochondrial ROS emission, markers of autophagy and denervation and increased mitochondrial content and respiration. Created with
Bayliss Starling Prize Lecture 2023: Neuropeptide-Y being ‘unsympathetic’ to the broken hearted
- Version of Record online: 07 June 2024
Abstract figure legend The hallmark of cardiac disease is autonomic dysregulation, characterised by a state of chronic sympathoexcitation. Neuropeptide-Y (NPY) is a sympathetic co-transmitter that is released by sympathetic neurons and circulating venous levels are elevated in a range of cardiac disease, such as myocardial infarction and chronic heart failure. NPY has direct effects on cardiomyocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells and autonomic nerves through its Y receptors, resulting in adverse cardiac remodelling, pro-arrhythmic electrophysiological changes, vasoconstriction and parasympathetic inhibition. Large prospective cohort studies have demonstrated that these effects ultimately lead to adverse cardiac events and increased mortality in patients. An understanding of the role of co-transmitters such as NPY may ultimately lead to novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers to improve risk stratification and prognostication in patients with cardiac disease.
Navigating the labyrinth of ganglionated plexi: unravelling the Minotaur's role in atrial fibrillation
- Version of Record online: 07 June 2024
On the mechanisms of brain blood flow regulation during hypoxia
- Version of Record online: 06 June 2024
Corticomotor pathway function and recovery after stroke: a look back and a way forward
- Version of Record online: 30 May 2024
Abstract figure legend Monohemispheric stroke damages cortical neurons, resulting in cell death or demyelination. Consequently, descending output is desynchronized, and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be small and polyphasic. As a result, the slope of the stimulus–response (S-R) curve can be shallower than normal (left side of diagram). A threshold matrix depicts responses from multiple upper limb muscles and TMS intensities to capture the small, subthreshold responses more accurately after stroke. Spontaneous biological recovery mechanisms are at play and involve processes that include remyelination of axons in surviving neurons. As a result, more synchronized motor output is recovered, the frequency of subthreshold MEPs decreases, and the slope of the S-R curve increases (top right). Irreversible neuronal damage beyond a point of no return can prevent this pattern of recovery, resulting in persistent subthreshold MEPs as attempts at remyelination are insufficient to produce a synchronized motor output (bottom right).
Adaptation in the spinal cord after stroke: Implications for restoring cortical control over the final common pathway
- Version of Record online: 24 May 2024
Abstract figure legend A coarse approximation of the organization of white matter tracts that transmit descending commands from cortical motor areas to spinal motor neuron pools. Fibres that roughly segregate into each tract at the level of the brainstem overlap in cortical origin and intermingle throughout their cranial course. Corticospinal fibres that decussate in the medullary pyramids exist both anterior and posterior to the central canal in the lateral funiculus. A considerably smaller portion of corticospinal fibres cross more caudally in the cervical spinal cord and course along the median fissure in the ventral funiculus. Rubrospinal fibres originating in the red nucleus that decussate at the midbrain are sparse in the spinal cord when actually observed in human cases and do not exist below upper cervical segments. Reticulospinal fibres originating in the pontine reticular formation exist throughout the spinal cord but do not form a compact bundle and tend to be scattered in the cord, coursing anterior to corticospinal fibres. Propriospinal fibres are found near dorsal and ventral horns most prominently at cervical and lumbar enlargements, with short fibres closest to the spinal grey matter and long fibres more lateral. Created with
White Paper
Molecular and cellular neurocardiology in heart disease
- Version of Record online: 22 May 2024
Abstract figure legend A summary diagram illustrating the progression of autonomic dysfunction following cardiac injury or disease, and some of the tools used for investigating and/or manipulating neural and cardiac function. Afferent neurotransmission is increased and may contribute to the pathological remodelling of efferent autonomic activity, which is generally characterized by sympathetic hyperactivity and withdrawal of parasympathetic tone. Cardiac injury and cardiovascular disease are also associated with altered neuropeptide and neurotransmitter synthesis and changes in cardiac nerve density. Created with
Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
The RhoA guanine exchange factor ABR: a glucose-sensitive mediator of actin reorganization in feto-placental arterial endothelial cells altered by gestational diabetes mellitus
- Version of Record online: 22 May 2024
Abstract figure legend Schematic representation of proposed relationship between hyperglycaemia, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), active BCR-related (ABR), RhoA and actin organization of feto-placental arterial endothelial cells (fpEC). Hyperglycaemia upregulates ABR, which in turn increases RhoA activation. This results in a rounder cell shape with irregular actin organization and increased network formation.
The complementary dominance hypothesis: a model for remediating the ‘good’ hand in stroke survivors
- Version of Record online: 11 May 2024
Abstract figure legend Summary of the complementary dominance hypothesis of motor lateralization and its application in remediating functional motor deficits of the ipsilesional arm in stroke survivors. The complementary dominance model of motor lateralization highlights distinct yet complementary functional contributions of each hemisphere to movement control (top panel). The dominant (left) hemisphere specializes in optimal control of limb dynamics and is therefore advantaged for well-established behavioural patterns under predictable circumstances. The non-dominant (right) hemisphere specializes in impedance control, which regulates steady-state limb position and responses to unexpected stimuli in the environment. Unilateral stroke results in hemisphere-specific motor deficits in both the contralesional and ipsilesional arms that are functionally limiting and consistent with the complementary dominance hypothesis. Left hemisphere stroke leads to deficits in initial direction accuracy, resulting in curved hand trajectories (middle panel, right). By contrast, right hemisphere stroke impairs final position accuracy, as demonstrated by larger deviations from the target location (middle panel, left). Based on these observations, we are now testing a novel training intervention to remediate functional motor deficits of the ipsilesional arm for chronic, severely impaired stroke survivors. The intervention includes hemisphere-specific virtual-reality training (bottom panel, top row) and real-world dexterity training (bottom panel, lower row), which we expect to translate to improved functional independence.
The phoenix's journey: unravelling muscle acidosis in the exercise pressor reflex
- Version of Record online: 03 May 2024
Electrophysiology and 3D-imaging reveal properties of human intracardiac neurons and increased excitability with atrial fibrillation
- Version of Record online: 30 April 2024
Abstract figure legend Cartoon rendition of properties of human GP neurons from non-AF (left) and AF (right) patients. In AF patients, there are significantly fewer cholinergic neurons, more noradrenergic neurons, and fewer dual-phenotype neurons compared to GP neurons from non-AF patients. Cellular electrophysiological studies show GP neurons also fire action potentials for a longer time duration in AF patients compared to non-AF patients. Together these data show both functional and structural differences occur in GP neurons from non-AF vs. AF patients, highlighting that cellular plasticity occurs in neural input to the heart that could alter autonomic influence on atrial function.
Lactate and hydrogen ions play a predominant role in evoking the exercise pressor reflex during ischaemic contractions but not during freely perfused contractions
- Version of Record online: 29 April 2024
Abstract figure legend The role of lactate and hydrogen ions in evoking the metabolic component of the exercise pressor reflex was studied in rats with either a functional pygm gene (pygm+/+) or with a non-functional “knocked out” pygm gene (pygm−/−). The pygm gene is responsible for producing the myophosphorylase enzyme which catalyses the breakdown of glycogen into glucose. Lack of a functional pygm gene prevents the rat from accumulating lactate and hydrogen ion in its exercising muscles. The roles of lactate and hydrogen ions were investigated during 30 s static contraction of the triceps surae muscles with or without muscle ischaemia. In a decerebrated preparation, blood pressure, blood flow, muscle tension and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) were measured. Using 31P-MRS, we measured the intramuscular metabolite accumulation and pH changes induced by these contractions. The lack of acidosis and lactate production had no effect on the exercise pressor reflex evoked by contracting freely perfused muscles but abolished the exaggerated exercise pressor reflex evoked by contracting ischaemic muscles.
Commonality and heterogeneity of pacemaker mechanisms in the male reproductive organs
- Version of Record online: 12 April 2024
Abstract figure legend Pacemaker cells driving spontaneous phasic contractions in the male reproductive tract display commonality and heterogeneity amongst different organs. In the epididymis (proximal cauda), specialised smooth muscle cells co-expressing α-SMA and PDGFRα generate ANO1 Ca+-activated chloride channel (CaCC)-dependent pacemaker currents. In the seminal vesicles, PDGFRα+ subepithelial interstitial cells generate CaCC-dependent pacemaker currents that may not involve ANO1. In the prostate, prostatic interstitial cells (PICs) exhibit pacemaker currents mediated by CaCCs and T-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (TVDCCs). A molecular marker of PICs has yet to be determined.
Pacemaking in the lymphatic system
- Version of Record online: 23 March 2024
Abstract figure legend Scheme showing the major ion channels identified in lymphatic muscle and/or proposed to be involved in pacemaking. Their possible contributions to diastolic depolarisation or repolarisation/hyperpolarisation are separated. Also shown are possible mechanisms for activation of some of the key channels through signalling pathways downstream from the activation of mechanosensitive G-protein-coupled receptors. Verified mechanisms in mouse LMCs (IP3R1–Ano1–Cav1.2) are marked by blue boxes. The order of cation channels, counterclockwise from top to bottom, is intended to suggest their possible sequence of activity during diastolic depolarisation. Not shown are the various post-translational mechanisms, e.g. protein kinase C activation, protein phosphorylation, etc., that could modulate various other ion channel activity downstream from agonist signalling but which are unrelated to pressure-induced effects on pacemaking.
The neurorehabilitation of post-stroke dysphagia: Physiology and pathophysiology
- Version of Record online: 22 March 2024
Abstract figure legend The organisation of the swallowing central pattern generator (CPG) located in the medulla oblongata. The CPG is consisted of two groups of neurones: the dorsal swallowing group (DSG) and the ventral swallowing group (VSG). Neurones in the DSG receive inputs from peripheral receptors and supramedullary structures and activate the VSG neurones. The VSG neurones then send signals to the motor nuclei.
Physical inactivity causes exercise resistance of fat metabolism: harbinger or culprit of disease?
- Version of Record online: 13 March 2024