Direct influence of the sodium pump on the membrane potential of vomeronasal chemoreceptor neurones in frog.
1. Whole-cell measurements were made from microvillous receptor neurones isolated from the frog vomeronasal organ. We examined the mechanisms that determined the value of the resting membrane potential. 2. Cells recorded in Ringer solution containing 4 mM K+ showed a resting membrane potential of -88 +/- 20 mV (mean +/- 1 S.D., n = 56). Sixty-six per cent of the cells had stable resting potentials more negative than the calculated equilibrium potentials for K+ (EK, -82 mV) indicating the presence of a hyperpolarizing outward pump current. 3. Cells recorded with an intracellular solution containing Na+ instead of K+, to set EK at 0 mV, presented stable membrane potentials in the range -65 to -119 mV when bathed in a normal Ringer solution. 4. Ouabain, a specific inhibitor of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase, blocked the outward sodium pump current (Ip) and depolarized the membrane. 5. The sodium pump current, measured as the current blocked by 0.5 mM dihydro-ouabain, was linearly related to the membrane potential in the range -60 to -120 mV. The reversal potential measured with a calculated free energy of ATP hydrolysis of -36.2 kJ mol-1 was estimated to be -143 mV. 6. Reduction of the external K+ concentration to 0 mM depolarized the membrane to less than -40 mV. Voltage-clamp observations in this condition indicated a reduction of Ip. Ouabain added to the bath reduced the blocking effect of low external K+. The addition of external K+ activated Ip and induced a rapid hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. 7. At membrane potentials more negative than -80 mV, an inward rectifying depolarizing current characterized as Ih was activated. When Ih was blocked by 5 mM external Cs+ the resting membrane potential increased. 8. These data indicate that the membrane potential of the vomeronasal receptor neurones is not generated by a passive diffusion of K+ ions but by the hyperpolarizing current created by the Na+,K(+)-ATPase. We propose that the resting potential is set by a balance between Ip and Ih. The physiological implications of these mechanisms for setting the resting potential are discussed.